Friday, June 8, 2012

Japanese People

Mmost of the japanese people are really shy and seems they don't like to talk with the foreigners.But,i think they really like to speak with the foreigners when they have build up trust and the closeness with them after sometime.Most of the japanese don't like to observe the strangers and welcome them.Because they think the interrelations with them may be harmful to them.


Then, the japanese are not speaking in English language most often because they respect their language first like the French people.So,they don't let their language to become disadvantaged by an foreign language.Even,the most fluent speakers of the English language don't use the language unless its necessary.]The japanese ladies are prefered to cover their mouth by a hand when they are laguhing because they think that laughing makes others uncomfortable sometimes.


Most of the time japanese ladies work hard as the men.They work in companies and also in the hard working companies and they never give up.most of the cases they become much aggressive due to the preasure of the men.Most japanese women find that they don't have the right place in their office due to the gender issues.Sometimes the japanese ladies are illtreated although they have the skills and the other qualifications due to the gender inequities. 


In the contemporary japanese society the women has played a important role for the development of the japanese economy and she is contribting alsomst all for her family. The most japanese women nowadays finds it easy to work and and have a famliy rather than staying at home as a house wife.During the period of the second world war the japan was defeated to USA and as a result of that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki was distroyed by a nuclear bomb.This incident make japanese to rethink about their country.From there the japanese women began to contribute for the country as a strong workforce.This resulted in the economic boom in Japan later and this was known as "baburu economy"-The bubble economy in later periods.

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