Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Different forms of Gambaru

What are the different forms of `Gambaru`

                    (The Google images)

The word itself (Gambaru) can be used in different forms in conversations among Japanese people.The different forms of `Gambaru`gives slight differences to the meaning. 
  • Gambarimasu      _do my best
  • Gambaro            _lets do our best
  • Gambare             _do your  best 
  • Gambatthekudasai _please do your  best
  • Gambaru             _do my best

Most of the Japanese people choose the word itself depending on the situations to use its form.The word "Gambarimasu"itself usually use by one person or group of people.
Most of the people murmur this word to themselves when the hard task are given to accomplish.Then,the word "Gambaro"is also used by single person or group of people.I think this is mostly used by individuals rather than group.This implies lets do our best to achieve the target.
When some one want to encourage his colleague they say "Gambare"to the other person.When the Tsunami hit Japan on 11th March 2011,the Japanese people use the word "Gambare" Nippon".This means do your best Japan/work hard Japan.Then the word "Gambatthekudasai" means please do your best.This word is very polite form of "Gambaru".This is also used by a person to encourage the other person.Most of the owners of the companies use this polite form for their core workers to encourage them. This is also used for group of people as "Minasan Gambatthekudasai".This means please work hard everyone."

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