Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Gambaru is so important ?

 good aspects of Gambaru concept

Most of the Japanese people considered this term has its origins from Japanese history in relation to the agricultural period of harvesting and all other related activities of agriculture.For instance,the agriculture needed good spirit of each person as a group because its not an easy to do harvesting and all the other stuff in a minute.

It needed the encouragement ,support and the good spirit of each and everyone until the end.On this occasion,the word gambaru has a good work to do by building up the morals of people.Then,the Japanese people are used to do and sacrifice everything for work and their job.They considered job as their life.So,they always faces hardships and they use the word Gambare to overcome and gain the spirits again by using this word. 

The intensive labor based jobs always need the encouragement and the good spirits.Hence,the labor intensive working people in Japan always uses the word Gambare to encourage their own spirits.
Specially,the people who work in car making companies,building and constructions and the electrical supply making companies are huge market of Japan.As a result of that each and everyday they go under intensive labor supply.Hence,Gambare is a kind of energy making drink for them.They consider this word as a powerful weapon to regain their spirits to work more harder.

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