Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gambaru concept.

     Gambaru concept in japan

The Japanese people most commonly use the word `Gambaru`in their day today conversations.Most commonly,they use it each and every occasion of encouragement.The word `Gambaru` means good luck or do your best in whatever situation in your life.Mostly,this word is used to encourage people to achieve certain goals in their lives.If there is a certain task that is hard to accomplish the Japanese use the word `Gambaru` to encourage the person or the group of people.

Mostly,this word can be used as a word to take back your energy for something you are giving up.According to the Japanese people they never give up.They only believe that any task should be accomplish if you work hard.In other words,there is noting you cant do.If anyone cant do it,you can do it.This is the basic Japanese  theory of life.

Hence the `Gambaru`is a very united word in japan.Most,of the Japanese people are used to work as a group.They sometimes have to face the natural hazards in their daily lives.For instance,tsunami is one of the huge challenges in their lives and also the earth quacks.So,their lives are always challenged with those kinds of natural hazards.As a result of this Japanese as a nation has become very responsive and challenging to these hazards.So,the concept of `Gmbaru`has created on this geographical reasons of the Japanese people.

More commonly the Japanese people use this term to overcome any kind of problems in their lives.They use the word`Gambatttheku dasai as a real encouragement for any kind of challenging situation.It means please do your best or please work the best for it.

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