Sunday, February 5, 2012

Japanese clothes

 What is yofuku and wafuku?

In japan,there are two kinds of clothes.The western clothing is called yofuku  and the traditional Japanese clothing is called Wafuku.Specially the traditional Japanese clothes  only wear in the traditional ceremonies like weddings,funerals and the festival seasons like hanabi or matsuri events.Hence,most of the Japanese people have get used to the western clothes in recently.The one reason behind this change is the rapid economic development took place after the second world war.The most of the Japanese people specially the women turn into jobs and they find the denim and the t-shirt is more comfortable than the traditional Japanese,the culture of the Japanese clothes change.Then,also the open of the japan in to the world also made a great contribution for the change of clothes.The westernization of Japanese culture has made the changes into the Japanese youth.Most of the young Japanese like to wear western clothes than the traditional clothes.As a result of that the place for the kimono is dying in the Japanese society.  

                                       ( google images.)The kimono,traditional Japanese clothing.(wafuku)

                                  ( google images) The western type of clothing (yofuku)

1 comment:

  1. wow thanks for the i know.i find great yofuku in yesstyle too.
