Friday, February 3, 2012

The differences of Japanese bowing.

Why Japanese people use different types of bowing?

The Japanese bowing is the showing off the respect and the politeness towards the other person.However, the bowing is not a very easy to understand.Then also they have different patterns.

The normal bow is considered as the 5 degrees nod and this is considered as the natural and informal  bow among the friends and the family.If the two persons are nod bowing it shows that they are very close friends and they they know each other very well.Then,also the person who is most higher among the two also use this nod bow for the lower status person to greet.

Eshaku is another type of bowing and this bowing is 15 degrees of  nod.This is very much smiler to the above nod bowing however,the Eshaku is used among very close friends much more than the nod bowing.

Then the Keirei is another type of bowing and this bowing is 30 degrees of nod towards the other.this bowing is specially done for the masters and the bosses of the company by the workers of the lower social status.

Saikeirei can be considered as the 45 degrees of bow and this is the highest respect of bow that is given to the highest rank of the people.This bow also a sign of regret,excuse and pleading mercy for some mistake that has done by someone.

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