Sunday, February 12, 2012

Negative aspects of Gambaru concept

What are the challenges for Gambaru?

Although most of the Japanese people consider gambaru is a encouraging and motivating some of the occasions it seems quite difficult to follow it.For the foreigners its very difficult task to follow because sometimes the task is never going to achieve.For instance,if a company set a target for the core workers its very hard to accomplish.Hence,for the foreigners even for the Japanese there are certain tasks that can not be achieved.This is a generalization for all human beings. 

On the other hand,Japanese people use gambaru for each and every occasion to cheer up.But actually sometimes it doesn't fulfill the  target of encouragement because  there may be another obstacles to the target.
Some people also think that gambaru is annoying because it always try to push people for strict and certain targets.This will increase the stress of people by paying too much attention for achieving it. 

Then also its an additional pressure for the person who is working hard to achieve their goals.this can be seen as a major problem in the Japanese society and due to this huge pressure of the job some Japanese even have a tendency of suicide. 
Hence,gambaru insome point of view considered as pulling preasuure and stress into ones head.This will lead to some of the social matters arising in Japan.Specially,in the position of the working class this can be seen.
However,what we should consider here is each and every coin has two sides.The Gambaru is similar in the way that it has negative and also positive aspects.We can not say either it is good or bad.

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