Friday, February 17, 2012

Sushi and its popularity

                 The secrets behind sushi is what?


The most of the people around the world wonder today why Japanese sushi is so popular around the world as a global food.The secret is the its easiness to make and the taste.Then thirdly the value of sushi as a healthy product encourages people to eat more and more.It is very interesting to discuss how the Japanese fish become very important with regard to the sushi market around the world.The fish market in Tokyo named as Tsukiji is the center of the fish market in the world.The prices of the fish are even could not imagine.    

                                Sushi going global


As a result of the above reasons sushi promoted as a fast food and its freshness and the taste made its easy to go around the globe very fast.The first of its challenge was North America.The freshness of its inside ingredients and the taste of the sushi made its easy steps to the North American food culture.As a result of the Japanese economic boom in the 1960 the Japanese executives and managers began to expand into Los Angles.The requirements of the Japanese food began to increase as a result of this.More and more Japanese began to travel to America and the needs of the native products by the Japanese began to increase the wide spread of sushi in America. Specially the freshness of the sushi began to appeal for the Southern Californians as a product which appeals for the diet concerned people.Hence,the sushi is concerned as a healthy conscious product than considering its expensive price in a result of this the sushi restaurants were began to open in America. 

Where sushi goes from here?

Sushi is almost have become a global brand and it has spread its wings into the entire world.The sushi industry is earning billions of dollars from this industry each and every year.The sushi restaurants can also be found in Sri Lanka now a days.  

Tuna fish
The most popular fish used for high class cuisine of sushi is blue fin tuna.  The blue fin tuna is called as "Maguro" in Japanese language.The blue fin tuna  considers to have the highest quality and the best choice for high cuisine of sushi.The "maguro toro(the fatty belly of tuna) is considered as the ideal part of fish for Sashimi and sushi.However there are environmental concerns and social consequences of catching tuna because it makes tuna a rare fish to find and faces the threat of extinction.


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