Saturday, February 18, 2012

secret of Japanese longevity

why Japanese people live long?

The Japanese people reconsidered as the longest living human being in the world.According to the research which was done in 2009 the life expectancy of Japanese women is 86 years and the life expectancy of Japanese men is 79 years.It was also highlighted that Japanese have the lowest obesity level in the world.  Then also Japanese are recorded as the worlds largest  disability  free people in the world.According to the reports the world's oldest person is Yone Minagawa who was 114 years old lived in Fukoka prefecture, Japan. 


Japanese traditional gift for health

There are very important principles in the Japanese tradition regarding the healthy life style of people.The traditional Japanese culture has its own guidelines for eating.The one rule is "yoku kamu" and it means chew well when someone eat.Then,"hara hachi bu" means eat until 80% of you feel full.Then the third rule is "mainichi sanju hinmoku" and this means every day each person have to eat at least 30 food varieties in their supper. Then the forth rule is "shizen ni kanza suru and it implies that each and every occasion we have to appreciate and honor nature. The fifth rule is "gokan o sukau"it means that use someone's five senses when eating.These five traditional guide lines in the Japanese custom shows and insight into the healthy eating patterns. 

Why Japanese cooking is healthy ?

The secrets of Japanese longevity  is hidden in their principles of how they prepare foods and the ingredients they use to make food.The basic principle of Japanese food is the blend of nature with the food.This is considering as preserving the natural color,texture and the flavor of the food when you eat.On the same way it implies that the foods must be in its natural form rather than deep frying and boiling.This gives the opportunity to have a close relationship with nature.

For instance,the "sashimi" is considered as totally raw fish and then also the "sushi" also considered to have both raw and partly cooked fish.Then,also the "tofu"is a very delicious food among Japanese and this is mostly offed uncooked with lemon juice on the top.The most of the vegetables are also not full boiled and they are also delicious because it preserves its natural taste.The most important thing is that Japanese food is based on "water and fire" but when we consider our cooking patterns we basically use "fire and oil"in most of the time.
                                                The Japanese Sashimi

How Japanese people eat and portions of their meals?
Then also its very important to see how they eat and the portions of the meal.For most of the time the rice bowl is very moderate for each person and the each meal is balanced with vegetables with meat or mostly the fish.Fish can be considered as a low calorie food than meat.Most of the time Japanese use to eat rice than the fast foods and the fatty foods in other countries.Japan is surrounded by sea and they are rich of fish.They take the best advantage of it and the Japanese are very fond of eating fish than the meat.

Then,Japanese have the habit of observing the beauty of food before eating.Hence,the seasonal changes and the color,texture will aromatically changes with the seasons in japan.Most of the foods are blended with the nature and the colors are selected according to the seasons.Hence,Japanese consider you must eat the food on eye first and then go for it.This principle gives a good understanding for everyone how they filled their habits and nature into one blend of food.This pleasure will fill their heart with pleasure and then it will enable to digest food well after that.Then,its very important to note that Japanese use minimal portions of herbs and spices.Instead of that they use fermented  products such as shoyu,miso and vinegar and these are considered as natural and very healthier than the spices.
                      The beautiful Japanese bentho  box arranged for kids                     

               The arrangement of Japanese autumn cuisine blended with nature

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