Saturday, February 25, 2012

What are the benifits of 5S

The 5S leads to what ?

The benefits of 5S is amazing because it leads to the improvement of any products quality and the safety.This leads to achieve the final target well and it will increase the profits of the the organization.Then also 5S leads for time management and the waste management too.Not only the products but also the worker's morals will improve as a result of the well organized work place.The efficiency of the workers will increase day by day.It also reduce the pressure of the workers and it will simplify the working environment for everyone in the company and the office will become a pleasant place to work.Then also each and every worker feel the satisfaction of doing work as a result of this process and the cooperation and the group work of the workers will increase.

     Not only the office workers or the company workers are able to 5S their work places but also the house wife also has the capability to do 5S.So,the 5S system is adopted by any kind of worker or work place and it will give the chance to well organize the place.

major changes after 5s?
The work place can be seen as much more wide and with easy access to the equipments ans the machines.Most of the workers find it is easy to work without any pressure after doing 5s adopted to their working environment.Then,the 5S leads to the fewer risks and the dangers in the work place.As a result of this the work place become much safer for the workers.Then,the company also don't need to give extra money for the risks and the damages for the company and for the workers well.Then also the working flow of the company becomes very smooth as  a result of adopting the 5S system. This will give a good impression about the company to the outsiders and would become an added advantage for them.   

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