Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The healthiest japanese foods

What are the foods that makes Japanese to live long?

Most of the Japanese foods are considered as low in calorie content than the other foods.Most of the time the Japanese use half raw fish,rice and miso soup.These are the basic three ingredients which we find most commonly in Japanese diet daily. Among them the miso is made out from the using the fermented soya beans.Apart from the basic meal the Japanese also eat  tofu and the sea weeds.    

The consistent ingredients of the foods

The tofu is basically made from soya beans and most of the Japanese used t eat tofu as its natural form and blending it with some shoyu sauce. Specially the Japanese foods don't have the saturated foods that are commonly found as very harmful fat content in food.

 Shiitake mushroom
Among those healthy foods the Siitake Mushroom has been also considered as medical mushroom in japan.Shiitake mushroom is very unique because it is a very native food in Asia.Then also this mushroom have edible fungus which are very useful for our body because it will give a good support to our immune system to fight against cancer and AIDS.  

Then also this mushroom have the ability of lowering the cholesterol level of someone's body.These mushrooms also prevent someone from affecting viruses and sometimes stop growing the tumors.Specially,the health benefits are very exciting and none would ever imagine the value of it.However,the Japanese people know by themselves that shiitake mushroom plays an important part of their health.The mushrooms are available in dry form or fresh form.Its affordable for everyone.Now these mushrooms are sold through the internet as a capsule.

                            ( citation www.dailyperricone.com)

Then also "wakame"is very popular and healthy food in Japanese society from their history.This can be regarded as a sea vegetable.The color is very attractive to eye and its in dark green color.The sea vegetable ,wakame is used in Japanese soups (specially in the miso soup)and this can be regarded as very healthy because it often reduces the extra fat in our bodies.Then this vegetable is very rich with its minerals.Then also wake consist of calcium ans prosperous than in other vegetables.

                                    (citation www.sushimania.com)

Then also miso soup is considered to have huge impact for Japanese people to maintain good and healthy life style.Basically,the miso soup consisted of fermented soya beans. It is salty in taste.The color of the soup is brown or white.Miso can be introduced as a food that decrease the risk of breast and lung cancers.It also gives support to  slow down  aging.

Among the most common food and the staple food of japan is rice.It is considered to have the most popular food among the Japanese . eating rice is paving the way for decreasing the breast cancer and its much   healthier than the fast foods that contains high levels of cholesterol and saturated flavors in today's world.
  (citation http://www.japanesefoodreport.com)

Live long 

Hence,the best thing is to follow the japanese style foods as much as you can.Then if you want to live long Japan is the best place to live long.

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